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Configuration with CLI tools in Version 5

Coral’s CLI tooling has been reinvented in version 5. We’ve replaced the former ./bin/cli tools with a completely new CLI application which is available on GitHub at:

The new CLI was built on oclif (View on GitHub), the open source CLI Framework originally built by Heroku, and offers an extensible platform for interacting with Coral via CLI.


To get started with the new CLI run:

npm install -g @coralproject/coral-cli


Once installed, run:

coral-cli [COMMAND]

Below is a list of commands available:

CLI to interact with Coral
VERSION  @coralproject/coral-cli/0.2.0 darwin-x64 node-v11.9.0
USAGE  $ coral-cli [COMMAND]
COMMANDS  help     display help for coral-cli  login    grabs a token for interacting with Coral  logout   removes credentials for logging in with Coral  plugins  list installed plugins  story    manage stories on Coral  tenant   creates a new tenant  token    creates tokens on the current user

coral-cli help [COMMAND]#

Displays help for coral-cli, or for the command specified.

USAGE  $ coral-cli help [COMMAND]
ARGUMENTS  COMMAND  command to show help for
OPTIONS  --all  see all commands in CLI

coral-cli login#

Grabs a session token for interacting with a specific Coral installation. Can be used to create a session prior to running other commands.

USAGE  $ coral-cli login
OPTIONS  -d, --domain=domain  (required) domain for tenant to run command against

coral-cli logout#

Removes credentials for logging in with Coral and terminates current login session.

USAGE  $ coral-cli logout
OPTIONS  -d, --domain=domain  (required) domain for tenant to run command against

coral-cli plugins#

Not to be confused with "Talk Plugins" that were available in prior versions of Coral, coral-cli plugins are extensions to the coral-cli application. See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins. Use this command to the list installed plugins.

USAGE  $ coral-cli plugins
OPTIONS  --core  show core plugins
EXAMPLE  $ coral-cli plugins

coral-cli plugins:install [PLUGIN]#

Installs a plugin into the CLI. Can be from npm or a git url. See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

NOTE: Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin. e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a hello command, installing a user-installed plugin with a hello command will override the core plugin implementation.

USAGE  $ coral-cli plugins:install PLUGIN
ARGUMENTS  PLUGIN  plugin to install
OPTIONS  -f, --force    yarn install with force flag  -h, --help     show CLI help  -v, --verbose
ALIASES  $ coral-cli plugins:add
EXAMPLES  $ coral-cli plugins:install myplugin  $ coral-cli plugins:install  $ coral-cli plugins:install someuser/someplugin

coral-cli plugins:link PLUGIN#

Links a plugin into the CLI for development. See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

USAGE  $ coral-cli plugins:link PLUGIN
ARGUMENTS  PATH  [default: .] path to plugin
OPTIONS  -h, --help     show CLI help  -v, --verbose
EXAMPLE  $ coral-cli plugins:link myplugin

coral-cli plugins:uninstall PLUGIN#

Removes a plugin from the CLI. See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

USAGE  $ coral-cli plugins:uninstall PLUGIN
ARGUMENTS  PLUGIN  plugin to uninstall
OPTIONS  -h, --help     show CLI help  -v, --verbose
ALIASES  $ coral-cli plugins:unlink  $ coral-cli plugins:remove

coral-cli plugins:update#

Update installed plugins. See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins.

USAGE  $ coral-cli plugins:update
OPTIONS  -h, --help     show CLI help  -v, --verbose

coral-cli story:get#

Fetches a story by id or url, useful to view Story metadata obtained by the scraper.

USAGE  $ coral-cli story:get
OPTIONS  -d, --domain=domain  (required) domain for tenant to run command against  --id=id              find a story by ID  --url=url            find a story by URL

coral-cli story:merge#

Merge duplicate stories and their comments into a single story. Story metadata & url are maintained on destination.

USAGE  $ coral-cli story:merge
OPTIONS  -d, --domain=domain  (required) domain for tenant to run command against  --from=from          (required) source Story ID that will be merged from  --into=into          (required) destination Story ID that will be merged into

coral-cli story:update#

Target a story by id to update its url.

USAGE  $ coral-cli story:update
OPTIONS  -d, --domain=domain  (required) domain for tenant to run command against  --id=id              (required) the ID of the story to update  --url=url            (required) the new URL to update the story to

coral-cli token:create#

Creates a persistent token for the current user (based on running coral-cli login above). The token generated can be used to authenticate API requests as the associated user.

USAGE  $ coral-cli token:create
OPTIONS  -d, --domain=domain  (required) domain for tenant to run command against  --name=name          (required) name of the token

coral-cli token:list#

Lists tokens on the current user (based on running coral-cli login above).

USAGE  $ coral-cli token:list
OPTIONS  -d, --domain=domain  (required) domain for tenant to run command against

coral-cli token:revoke#

Revokes token by id. Token must be on the current user (based on running coral-cli login above).

USAGE  $ coral-cli token:revoke
OPTIONS  -d, --domain=domain  (required) domain for tenant to run command against  --id=id              (required) id of the token to revoke